..: How I See Things :..

..: How I See Things :..

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


This is an example of a Blog that a Junior in College writes the week before finals:

- 10 page paper
- Financial Analysis Report
- Case Study Report
- Vocal Performance
- Pulling out my hair by its individual strands until I have none left

Notice how short, pessimistic, and disgusting it is....

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Lee Wedding

This weekend, I was blessed to be the Maid of Honor for David and Beth Lee's wedding. It was held at 2PM on Saturday, November 22nd at Trinity Church of the Nazarene (my home church) and was a beautiful fall wedding!

Here are some pictures from the whole day that I took when I had time in between running errands and fluffing the dress! :) Hope you enjoy!

Angela and Katie Beth did our hair! It looked so amazing!

Sweet Keagan stayed SO STILL for Katie Beth. It was so cute...

The Beautiful Bride!!!

Beth's AWESOME Shoes that matched David's

Sweet Girls...

The Wedding Dress!
The girls tying the difficult bows for each other.
All of us with Beth before the dress goes on!
Beth sat sideways on the piano bench for 30 minutes before the ceremony started.
It was SUCH a great wedding. I've always wanted a fall wedding, so even if I don't get one, I can at least say that I was in a beautiful fall wedding with warm colors and wonderful young women! :) I hope you and David have a blessed marriage, Beth... Love you both. :)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin...

I simply love pumpkin... ANYTHING!

My favorite pumpkin creation would have to be my family's pumpkin bread recipe, though. Every year, I look forward to the day when I can walk in a supermarket and see the overflowing display of pumpkins for sale. I would go so far as to say that pumpkins are one of the major things I am thankful for during Thanksgiving... right under God's love, my family, my friends, and the luxuries of like I've been blessed with. Yes... that simple vegetable (its a vegetable, right? the whole argument about tomatoes being a fruit because the seeds on the inside and such always makes me second guess myself...) is something I'm legitimately thankful for.

What you might not know is that pumpkins are very special to my family, and here's why:

Way back in 1981... well, maybe that's not TOO long ago ;)... My dad proposed to my Mom that night before Halloween (oh, how romantic, right?!?!?). Ever since I can remember, my dad has bought each person in the family our own pumpkin as a way to remember that night. I think it's a sweet gesture, and it was always a treat to find 4 beautiful pumpkins gracing our front porch each year when I would come home from school. Some years we would paint or even color our pumpkins with markers, but EVERY year my mom and I would cook the pumpkins.
This brings me to the real reason why I love pumpkins so much.

My mom and I have shared wonderful memories together cooking pumpkins over the years. There's just something about cooking with your mother that builds a special bond between the two of you, and I am so excited for the day when I will be able to pass this tradition on to my own daughter. My mom and I would cook all 4 pumpkins, which ends up becoming a lot, and we would bake pies and bread for the next few months until it was all used up. This would usually cause us to give either the pumpkin or the baked goods away. There's nothing better than a pie or loaf of bread baked with fresh pumpkin. Using the canned stuff is unheard of in our home!
When most people hear that I cook my own pumpkin, they often become amazed at how much work I go through, but it is actually as simple as mashed potatoes... If you have never used fresh pumpkin, but have always wanted to, you are in luck!

Here is how you cook a pumpkin:

Be sure you have a good, sharp knife to prevent cutting your finger. Trust me, a good knife makes a world of difference when cutting up a pumpkin!

1. Cut the pumpkin in 1/2
2. Remove the seeds

3. Cute the pumpkin into quarters
4. Cut off the rind (hard outer part) and stem. You are now left with the lighter inside of the pumpkin, or the "meat"

5. Chop the pumpkin into cubes, about 2"x2"

6. Put the pumpkin cubes into large pots (as many as you need) and fill them with water so that all the pieces are covered.
7. Boil the pumpkin like you would potatoes.

8. Remove from stove when a fork easily pokes the soft pumpkin pieces.

9. Drain the water.
10. Spoon the cooked pieces into a blender and blend until smooth with no chunks.

11. Store pumpkin in Tupperware or other storage container. You can refrigerate it until you want to use it, or even freeze it for later use.

* Use 1 1/2 cups for each can of pumpkin a recipe calls for*

It's that simple! I hope that you will try it out sometime because fresh pumpkin REALLY DOES make a difference!

Monday, November 10, 2008

"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies."
-- Aristotle

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Oh Facebook....

These were some of the status changes I saw on Facebook right after Obama won tonight. Janette and I sat here refreshing the page over and over again... it is pretty entertaining.

Person 1: "Is blue we're blue"
Person2: "Is moving to Texas and hope they break away:
Person 3: "Is SCCCCCCCCRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAMMMING!!!!" (maybe not enough E's in that one...)
Person 4: "Is headed to and island with Alex"
Person 5: "Not MY President"
Person 6: "Everyone: please stop the hate and violent talk. Think love and peace." (Good advice Stephen)
Person 7: "used to be proud of this nation"
Person 8: "is welcome to socialist america...**expletive**. im going back to CANADA."
Person 9: "is sleeping"
Person 10: "is make room for me, Aussies. You all think straight."
Person 11: "is wow. i cannot believe this. i can't believe this country put a muslim in the white house. wake up, people." (OUCH....)
Person 12: "its about time we get a brotha in the house...."
Person 13: "its official, abomination."
Person 14: "maybe... New Zealand....that would be cool." (yes!!! New Zealand is cool, but I would go there for other reasons than an election result...well.. I guess that would depend on the consequences, but not because of THIS election...)
Person 15: "is wondering if Texas will secede and elect McCain/Norris for President."
Person 16: "is hoping that all the annoying people who are threatening to move to Canada actually do."
Person 17:" is worried. i'll be honest. but i'm going to try to give obama a chance. even though its hard." (wow.. that's one of the most positive response yet!)
Person 18: "i wonder if they'll put a fried chicken joint in the White House?" ( that was WAAAAAAAAY out of line...)
Person 19: "is thinking our country is already in hell and has been for awhile....where have you people been?" (yeah, no matter what you think about the election result, there is no doubt that we weren't a perfect nation prior to this day)
Person 20: "forgive them Lord, for they know not what they have done." (wow, that's an intense response)
Person 21: "knows McCain is so happy everyone wants to leave the country he sacrificed his life for."
Person 22: "is thinking high-schoolers probably can't move out of the country. so, don't talk about it."
Person 23: "well...i have an extra copy of the koran..... $50........ any takers?" (oh my.....)
Person 25: "is congrats obama. I love the always classy McCain. he is a true American hero."

** Disclaimer: The content of these views do not reflect the views of this blogger, but are rather a glimpse into the online world of Facebook and it's members' opinions.**

I hope this makes you think about just what happened... there are a lot of opinions out there...

Friday, October 31, 2008

Just call me Alvin...

Wednesday I got my wisdom teeth taken out, so I am currently sporting a pair of chubby cheeks! The whole experience hasn't been bad yet. During the surgery, even though I was fully awake, was rather relaxing and I felt as though I could have fallen asleep. The gas they gave me was awesome and definitely worth the small fee.

I have been living off of apple sauce, soup, and yogurt these past few days and it hasn't been too bad. I heard a lot of horror stories before my procedure, so I was thinking that I was going to have a horrible experience, but it honestly has been rather fun.

I think its funny feeling groggy and loopy, and there's nothing better than sitting around while all of your friends are stuck in class! lol

What has meant the most to me is all of the sweet sweet friends who have stopped by to visit me and bring me little goodies. So, thanks Sarahbeth, Janette, and Marian... you all have been so sweet to me! It also is great that my other friends have text me to see how I was. Some people never cease to amaze me with their giving hearts.

I look forward to the day when I can bit into a piece of meat, but until then, soups and apple sauce will have to do...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Early Senioritis

So, I am sitting here at my computer thinking about all I have to get done early because of my oral surgery on Wednesday (oh horrid wisdom teeth, only 4 more days will I have to deal with your pain and frustration) and I decided to delay the work. Why? Well, the answer is very simple: I don't want to work right now. I'm sure there are several people other than I who just aren't motivated to write a paper over the Wall Street Crisis for Managerial Accounting either on a Saturday evening...

If you are... it's ok, I will be praying for you tonight.

So what will I do to pass the time? Copy Jeff's forward from the other day and fill it out for myself!!!! I'm sure he will agree with me that at times, these things make you feel like you're in middle school again, but the content of my answers make it so much more mature... at least that's what I'm telling myself right now. So here it goes:

I am: sitting at my kitchen table watching ESPN and eating soup.

I dream: about crazy things that scare me and I know are super insightful at the same time, but I never can seem to remember them when I wake up the next morning.

I think: that there is more to life than the clothes I wear, the car I drive, and the size of my bank account.

I know: that I am blessed beyond what I deserve and that this morning was a gift from God so that I might be able to spread His love to the world around me.

I want: to be the one who reaches out with a hand full of grace to those around me, and never forget the history of grace God has bestowed upon me.

I have: a wonderful boyfriend who is filled with God's love and each day I grow more and more in love with him.

I wish: for world peace... and no, I am not Gracie Lou Freebush...

I hate: that I've grown uncomfortably comfortable with my hypocritical behavior.

I miss: Saturday Father/Daughter dates at Jimmy's Egg in Norman every week.

I fear: I will one day look at my life and not remember all the wonderful moments that got me to where I am at that time and place.

I feel: unmotivated to be a driven person today. (sounds just a little funny, doesn't it...)

I hear: every little voice in my head that tells me I'm not good enough, and I often let that be the influence of my decisions.

I smell: my laundry after every load- there's nothing like fresh clothes out of the dryer!

I crave: for the day when I no longer continue to be stressed out and controlled by my list of things to do.

I search: for obtaining things in life that don't matter.

I wonder: "why people are so concerned with politics when they won’t help the people they see everyday." and I would have to completely agree with you on this one, Jeff...

I regret: all those days where I gave into the lie that children aren't capable of REALLY making a difference in the Church, but that they are simply present in the world to "someday become the Church."

I love: gerber daisies and everything they mean to me: love, friendship, God's Creation, life, beauty, and growth.

I ache: for those who are stereotype as being lazy because they are homeless and poor.

I care: for my family and I love them very much.

I always: care if my things are clean and in order.

I am not: excited about the upcoming elections.... sorry, but that's the truth...

I believe: a god is not God if he fits inside our heads.

I dance: whenever I can... I love dancing and I will be a dancing Nazarene until the day I die...

I sing: all the time, but get really self-conscious about it when I'm in my apartment because I live with music majors who are training to become professionals... lol

I cry: often and sometimes with others. Crying is a great release.

I don’t always: change my oil when I should... sometimes I've gone twice as long before taking it in.

I fight: with myself on a daily basis... I am my own worst enemy and my thoughts have been known to consume me.

I write: in a journal to my husband I started almost 2 years ago... it's something I'm very proud of.

I win: the end... :)

I lose: my patience when people base their opinions on their ignorance...

I never: want to go a day without loving .

I confuse: myself in accounting and stats sometimes.

I listen: to God less than I talk to Him, causing me to miss out on the things He wants me to be a part of.

I can usually be found: in the SGA office or my apartment.

I am scared: of being alone.

I need: to stop eating things that makes my stomach yell.

I am happy: that my parents are coming to town on Wednesday! :)

I desire: close, intimate relationships with those around me.

I hope: for the good in people to prevail.

I have: been delaying my homework way to long... it's time to face the music!

Hope you know that the Lord never allows us to endure that which we can't endure... all we need to do is ask Him for the strength to overcome.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It's Been a While

It's pretty sad how long it's been since my last post.

Life has been great, yet it seems like the busyness of my schedule has put a damper on things. I had such a great and relaxing time in New Zealand and I miss that pace of life... I know everybody around me gets tired of hearing about how much I miss that beautiful country, but God did wonderful things in my life there and I NEVER want to forget those lessons and the beautiful people I met there.

Never in my life have I had such an amazing encounter with God. Everyday I would find Him in the most unexpected places. I know that this has happened to me here at home, but nothing like I experienced in New Zealand.

I hate it that most days, I do so much that I really don't remember which day is which... life has become a blur and that is very difficult for me to handle. This was made known to me after having such a relaxing and extraordinary Fall Break in the CO Mountains. I left my planner at home, I didn't have cellphone reception, and I didn't have the Internet... IT WAS GREAT!!!

I really want to change my outlook on the days to come. I want to cherish the MOMENTS of each days and not the TASKS of each day.

I know I sound like a broken record, but I sure do miss New Zealand.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Auckland: 2 weeks to go!!!

Well hello everyone! I just wanted to update you on what all has been going here in the biggest city in New Zealand. The team and I arrived last Monday, and Denise and Tau Maiava (the pastor and his wife) fed us an American meal: Sloppy Joes and potato salad. It was great to have something made with us specifically in mind. Last week, was our "off week" so to say, where we simply stripped off 3 layers of wallpaper and patched/ textured the walls, then painted it with a fresh coat of paint. It was a lot of hard work, actually, and it took us about 4 days to complete the task. Never in my life have I thought that those 6 years of remodeling our house would actually come in handy later on in life. So, thanks Mom and Dad! :)
Seth, Liz, and I lead worship for the service on Sunday along with others that normally play in the service, and Allison and I shared our testimony. It was great to share my story with them all, and as typical as I think my testimony is (I have the "I grew up in a Christian home..." testimony) the people felt more open to talk to me, and they actually could relate to what I had to say. It was very neat because never in my life did I think that I had the "pastor gene," but I didn't clam up when speaking in front of a congregation... Even though it was a smaller congregation than most back home, I was still shocked with what I did. Afterwards, I sat down and then realized that I just gave a mini-sermon... kinda neat.
This week, we have been doing a holiday program with the kids since they are out of school for 2 weeks. It has been pretty hard on us all. After doing this sort of ministry directly being with kids for the 3rd week, it takes a lot of energy out of you, but it is worth all the effort and time. We have been learning a lot about ourselves and about working so closely with kids. We are kind of becoming pros at it! haha... Since we've been here, we have also done a lot of other things. Our team has had evening tea (dinner) at several other's house, and it has been great to get to know them all. We have gone to a black sand beach, and also to downtown Auckland to see the base of the SkyTower to watch people bungee jump from the top... made me want to go jump SO BAD! I did, however, refrain from jumping (you're welcome mother).
Crazy to think that 2 weeks from today, we will be on a plane back to the States... Only 2 weeks! Wow, time has sure flown by, but looking back on all we have done, I can't say that we just sat around and did nothing. We have definitely made the most of our time, and I still can't believe all that we've done!

Thanks for all of your prayers and support in getting me to where I am. I can't express just how much everything has meant to me, and I definitely have felt your prayers as I've been here. I can't wait to tell everyone IN PERSON about all my experiences and show all of my pictures. Have a blessed week... LOVE YOU ALL!!!!

Melinda Leanne

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

New Zealand: Dargaville and the First Few Days of Auckland

Hello everyone! Long time no talk! I apologize for not updating as much as I had previously planned. Internet, and free time are hard to come by, especially at the same time, so I guess this will have to do!
It's hard to even start- I don't know where to begin! On Monday, the 17th, the team and I arrived at Dargaville, New Zealand. This was our second site for our trip. We traveled about 45 minutes from the East coast of New Zealand where Whangarei lies, and ended up at the West coast! They say that in NZ, you're at the most, only about 1 hour away from a beach no matter where you are in the whole country! That's a crazy thought because back at school, it's about 10 hours to the nearest ocean for me.
When we arrived, the team was immediately thrown into what we were going to be doing there for the next two weeks. We had lunch, and then prepped for our after school program. We provided a healthy snack: fruit salad, yummy yummy (thank you Wiggles). We also had a short devotion for the kids that was based on a chosen memory verse for each day that each of us took turns facilitating. It was a great ministry outreach to the community. We were able to touch the lives of young ones who might not hear the gospel because of the sometimes scary atmosphere a church service can have on non-believers. There were 4 girls who started coming to Sunday School as a result of the program after the first 2 days! In the end, there were about 30 kids total who came through the whole event, which is great for a community of 5,000. 15 of them were there every day they could.
The team had a set of favorites. They were two brothers who were the sweetest and most thoughtful 10 year olds anyone could meet. They would walk over from their home that was about 1 mile away, everyday, just to come to our kid's club. One of them even came over when there was only 15 minutes left, just because he wanted to be there so badly. They come from a rough home, and we heard some talk about a social worker being involved in their household, so a lot of prayer for them is still going on. We also had a new family come to both Sunday services while we were there as a result of the program. A mother and her 2 daughters seemed to have been impacted by it all, and for that, our whole team praises God!
It has been amazing to see what God has done through these past two weeks! Our team also taught Bible in schools to a total of about 450kids after going to 3 different primary schools. Once again, talking about God in public schools was an amazing opportunity, but is slowly becoming done less and less around the country as non Christians are trying to push it out of the campuses. Please pray for this, because it is a wonderful mission field that the US would be so grateful to have!
Our team also went to 2 retirement homes and sang songs to them and talked to the residents. The first home we went to was for severely handicapped persons, and that was emotionally difficult to handle, but it was a wonderful opportunity to share the love of God to them, through song and a simple smile/ conversation. I had a wonderful talk with a man who just recently sold his dairy farm. At the other retirement home, they were more abled, and that was a great time! We sang 4 hymns and then talked to the residents for about an hour. I sat down with a Gloria Warne, and by the end of the conversation, we had exchanged addresses and she told me to expect a letter when I return back home! It was a lovely time to talk about her and her faith that she is still clinging to even after all the experiences she's shared with me.
On both Sundays, Seth, Liz, and I lead worship alongside the pastor's wife who played the bass. Seth played the acoustic AND electric (on a few songs, we rocked out), Liz played the piano and sang harmony, while I sang lead. That was neat to be leading others in worship... something I've never done before!
The team mostly spent time working on the after school program, but on Sunday the 29th, Seth and Liz were able to DJ the local Christian radio station and share a lot of music they have with the surrounding area of about 45 miles. It was neat for Allison and I to listen to them back at pastor Nigel's house. We were unable to go because we have caught a head cold, so we simply laid down to rest our bodies. Please remember us in your prayers as we are still suffering from the symptoms.
We were able to do a lot of fun things too while at Dargaville, it was not all work there. We made several trips to Bayly's Beach, which was an awesome experience each time. We also went 4 wheel driving along sand dunes one Sunday afternoon with a convoy of off road vehicles driven by friends and members of the church, which we ended with a sausage BBQ on the beach. On the 23rd, we went to the tip of the North Island to the Waipua Forests to see Tane Mahuta, the largest Kauri tree in NZ. It was amazing to be there, and we walked around other Kauri tree forest up in that area. VERY NEAT.

There has been a lot that has happened over the past 2 weeks, and I haven't covered it all, but I hope that you feel as though you know more about what I am doing, but more importantly about what GOD is doing here. We have safely arrived in Auckland where we are spending the rest of our time in New Zealand. I will update as things start to unfold here! I will leave you all with some things to remember/ pray for:

The families impacted by the kid's club in Dargaville.
The congregations of Dargaville CON, Whangarei Christian Fellowship, and New Lynn CON.
Our team's safety while in Auckland as well as our ministry efforts.
Allison and my sickness.
The team's hearts, may they be stretched and molded each and every day.
The country of New Zealand and the ministry to the schools that is under attack and at risk of being pulled from some schools.
Our families back home.

Please feel free to e-mail or comment me whenever you like and I will try and respond/ tell you more about my time here!

Much love... Miss you all!
Melinda Leanne

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Monday, June 16, 2008

Week #2: Whangarei

Well, today, we left Whangarei. After a full week of doing more of God's work, it is safe to say that the 4 of us are pretty tired. This past week, we finished our work over at Donna's house and it was a lovely time! There was a lot of bonding as a team, and we also had the privilege to work with locals from the church there. Dwayne, Amy, Anna, and Ty were four others who lent a helping hand on the project and made a huge difference on how much we were able to accomplish!

Besides that, we continued to work in Sunday School with the children. This week, we also had another bonfire on the beach, which was an awesome experience to have again. The next day, the team and I spent the morning and early afternoon with Sonya, one of the workers at Te Ora Hou, and we went to several shops around downtown and had a lovely time.
Later that evening, I got to witness something that I have never seen before. Three of the young adults in the church were baptized in the ocean in front of the pastor's house. It was so neat to see them all being lead out into the (cold) water and be baptized. I have always grown up watching people being submerged in a bathtub-like tank inside, so it was an awesome sight to see them in such a HUGE body of water. Kinda made me want to be re baptized, just so I could say that I was baptized in the Pacific Ocean, but oh well...

After saying our goodbyes to the families that we all have grown to know and love, we were picked up today by Jae, the pastor's wife here at Dargaville, and she brought us to her home where we met Nigel. They are a really neat couple and I am excited about what all they have planned for us to do with our time while we are here. After going through the schedule, we had lunch and then ran a kids' club after school program for local students around the ages of 6-10. From the looks of things, I feel like more and more will come as the days go on and word is spread. The children really seemed to respond well, which is always encouraging as you are spending time with them.

I have a feeling that I will be singing Oklahoma! again to someone here, which is a funny thought. Who thought that a song like that would be so popular here. Maybe they just want to laugh at me. Either way, I don't care, as long as people are entertained and it allows others to feel more comfortable in talking with me. I am so eager to find out what God has in store for the team and I this week- who knows! Please keep the team, the local church, the community of Dargaville, and the seeds planted in Whangarei in your prayers this week as we continue into our 3rd week of ministry here in New Zealand. We have come a long way, but there is still more.
I will hopefully be able to post pictures sometime if I can ever get a good enough Internet connection for my lap top, but I am not able to make any promises.

Blessings to all and I am praying for everyone back home!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Week #1

Whangarei, New Zealand

Well, for the past week, my team and I have been in the lovely city of Whangarei (pronounced: Fong-gair-ray). We have been living with an American family mostly, the Abascals, who have lived here for about 2 years.
So far, my team and I have taught about 3 lessons to the children at church, helped paint Donna’s (a local woman at the church) house and we will finish tomorrow and on Thursday, Seth has hung out with the boys at Te Ora Hou (a boys and girls club for at-risk children in the community), exchanged testimonies with several people within the church and community (there have been amazing stories and there are several more to come I’m sure). One in particular was from a man named Dave. This man is one of our team’s favorite people that we’ve met in the church so far. He is an on-fire Christian who has a giving heart, but what makes him and his story so incredible is that he is 1 ½ years new to the faith and he was saved from alcoholism by an incredible encounter with the Holy Spirit.
We spent the night at his house two nights ago (Saturday) after spending the whole day with his daughter and her friend. We climbed Mt. Manaia and the view was breathtaking. We had almost a 360 degree view from the summit and in that view we saw farms, beaches, mountains, and the Pacific Ocean all in one view… Later that night, we played games with the family and had heaps of Chinese food (they say heaps instead of tons). ☺
Today, the team and I had the privilege to teach the story of David and Goliath in the public primary school today. It was very neat to experience a culture in which the teaching of the Bible was allowed and even encouraged. My partner, Liz, was the storyteller each time, and it felt out of place for her to talk so openly about God, but it was a very rewarding experience, I think, for everyone- including the kids.
Tonight, the girls and I went to Te Ora Hou for the girls’ night. We shared the game of gotcha/ knockout with them and they shared net ball with us. It was a lovely time to experience young teen girls of the Maori culture. At the end of our time with the girls, I shared a song… none other than our great state song, “Oklahoma!,” while all the girls shared a Maori thank you song and dance with us. It was beautiful to watch and experience everything.
Tomorrow, we are painting Donna’s house again, and will return to Miguel’s house for sleep, and then it’s off to the schools again on Wednesday to teach about forgiveness by the telling of the story of Joseph and his brothers. It is all so exciting to see what God is doing here- as little as they may seem- but the relationships and the knowledge I am gaining is something that I treasure… God is great and his beautiful creation is a wonderful peak at God’s glorious creativity in our lives.
Here are a few words/ sayings that I’ve learned while here in New Zealand so far:

Sweet as: awesome/ sweet as it gets
Choice: right/ great/ fine
Gum boots: rain boots
Woolies: long johns
Boot: trunk of the car
Heaps: tons/ loads/ a lot
Smoke O: break (our team has taken several)
Hire a movie: rent a movie

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


It is beautiful here...

I can't write a lot because today, my whole group is going to the beach with the pastor and his family to spend a day with God and to enjoy all that Whangarei has to offer.

I am excited. I've already cried at the beauty of it all... God is here and I am super excited about all that is going to happen this summer! :)

Tomorrow we go clean the church and paint a widow's house, and then our ministry projects here are REALLY going to start to kick into high gear. Its such a blessing to give to others and I am just anxious for it to all happen.

Thanks for the prayers... More to come! :)


Thursday, May 29, 2008

Training Camp: Bonita Park

Well, today was our first full day here at training camp in New Mexico, and I am just overwhelmed already. This is not the bad kind though. I have just heard so much and it is all becoming a little more real to me.

Tonight in particularly, I was hit really hard by what the speaker had to say. I have always been one to question my motives for things. I tend to be a people pleaser, which can be both good and bad. It is because of this that I question my motives for ANYTHING that I do!

His example tonight was actually going to New Zealand. He said the one thing about our trip that all of us had heard the most when people find out where we are going- "New Zealand... LORD OF THE RINGS!!!!" While its true, it makes me second guess why I am going there. Did I choose to go there for the right reason, or did I go for my own agenda; to go to a beautiful country? While I am still going no matter what, I will just trust myself and God that this is where I'm supposed to be.

I am going to a beautiful country and it's a wonderful experience and blessing from God. Yes, it's not Africa or some more "difficult" place as far as setting/culture goes, but there are still lives that need to be impacted. God will use me in ways, I am willing. I can't even begin to describe the feeling I have inside me! Despite all my doubts and second guesses about my motives, I know this is where I need to be.

More to come, tomorrow will be great- I can just feel it! :)

May the love of Christ be made known in unique and intimate ways to you today...

Melinda Leanne

Friday, May 23, 2008

New Zealand

Well, in 9 days I will be in New Zealand. It's true, I have all my funds in- Praise the LORD- and I am packed (the suitcase opens and closes as I go over all my things constantly, but the items never change... I'm just a worry-wart).

The first two weeks, I will be working in Whangarei. It is a community near Auckland on the North Island of about 40,000 people. Next, I will be traveling to a near-by communnity called Dargaville. There, my team and I will be working in the community of about 4,ooo doing a kid's club from about 3-5pm each day. After two weeks in Dargaville, we will be heading off to Auckland, which has a population of about 1 million. We will be located there for just over two weeks, and will be touring the rest of our time (about 4-5 days) in a popular tourist place- Rotura. When I get there, I'm sure I will receive more information about what all we will be doing, and I will be sure to pass that information along!

It's crazy to think that a little over 5 months ago, I found out that I would be going to that great country and now... now I'm almost there! Sure, I have reservations- will I do a good job? I'm not all that happy about having my 20th birthday over the Pacific Ocean for about 4 hours as well. Despite those two things and more, I wouldn't pass this opportunity up for anything!

I was thinking the other day about how I would feel next semester in school if I had decided last minute NOT to go. After thinking about it, I realized that all the fears I will conquer and get over, no matter how difficult they are to face, will be reason enough to actually go ahead and do it! I can still hear my grandpa telling me that I'm "the kind of girl that goes out and accomplishes anything I set my mind to." That may not always be a smart thing, but it is good to hear that from someone else.

I have always been one of those girls who doesn't want to look back on my life and wonder "what if." Anyone who knows me well has probably heard me say that a lot, but it's true. I really seek to stick to that way of life. I will face things that aren't the best, but with determination and the strength of God empowering me daily... I can achieve great things. Who knows when you're faced with a seemingly impossible task, what the outcome will be? The very least you can do is give it a try.

I'm going to New Zealand... I've focused myself on the mission God has called me to do this summer and I won't back down! Let's see where this journey takes me! :)

Prayers are greatly appreciated...

Hei konei ra ( See you later),
Melinda Leanne

**I hope I come back with an awesome accent and amazing rugby skills :)**

Friday, March 21, 2008

Isaiah 58:9-10

"If you do away with the yoke of oppression, with the pointing finger and malicious talk, and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday."

As I was doing my FUEL for tonight (a guided bible study our youth group is doing together) this scripture was part of what we were supposed to read. It seemed to jump off the page at me and get me really thinking. There are so many of us who claim to be Christians and do God's work, yet seem to only stay within the confines of the four walls of the church. Now, I know God calls each of us to be used for Him in different ways, but do we sometimes hide behind that when we encounter the people that God is talking about in this passage? Do we hide behind our deeds towards the "perfect church service" when we come across someone in need right in front of us on the street corner?

It seems that throughout scripture God tells us, either through prophets in the OT or from Jesus' own lips in the NT, to reach out a hand to those in need. I think many have heard this call and have embraced it fully, but I also think a lot of us miss it- especially those of us who have been churched our whole lives. I know that I have become quite content with my pew-sitting self in the past and have often turned a deaf ear to the cry of those in need because I'm a good, tithe-paying, song-singing, Bible-quizzing Nazarene girl.

Its not enough to simply live a life of a good church-goer. I've felt God's tug on my heart to do more than simply be a good Christian girl who stays within those four walls of the sanctuary. While the church community is vital to our walk with God because of its fellowship and accountability, I think that what is beyond the front doors is something we can't forget about. God is calling us to step out of our comfort zone and listen to the voice of the oppressed.

Listen and act and your days will be filled with a wonderful light that can only come from God. :)

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Catching up,

Well, the past two weeks have been one of the most eventful weeks of my life! I had two major things going on: Lip Sync and Exec. Elections for SGA.

I will spare you all the boring details about no sleep, skipping a few classes at the end, and having my every second pretty much planned out and cut to the chase. I won for my position of Office Administrator for SGA, and Lip Sync is done! I can't really comment on the success of the event, mainly because I'm my own worst critic, but besides that, I heard it was received well.

The most exciting thing about it all is how I handled everything. I was... to my surprise, really calm all week. That's not common in my life when I have a lot going on. I tend to be SUPER stressed about even the littlest of things! All I can say is that God was with me in a very REAL way this week, and He gave me a sense of calm and joy that can only come from Him!

Man, life is good, and I am so very thankful for all the Lord has done in my life. He has given me so many blessings, and one of them is a loving circle of family and friends who have encouraged and embraced me when I need it the most.

I'm just so thankful...

Sunday, February 24, 2008

No Explanation needed...

Said the little boy, "Sometimes I drop my spoon."
Said the old man, "I do that too."
The little boy whispered, "I wet my pants."
"I do that too," laughed the little old man.
Said the little boy, "I often cry."
The old man nodded, "So do I."
"But worst of all," said the boy, "it seems
Grown-ups don't pay attention to me."
And he felt the warmth of a wrinkled old hand.
"I know what you mean," said the little old man.

-Shel Silverstein

Friday, February 8, 2008


Let's face it. We all have things in our lives that we would rather not talk about. We mess up, we say things we don't mean, we become selfish in our relationships, we pick our nose, we sing too loud, we purposefully avoid others in order to show our anger... WE ALL DO IT...

Does this mean we are horrible people? Are we just inherently bad? I tend to say no, but maybe that's because I'm Mendy... you know... the overly perky and optimistic individual you just sometimes want to tell to say something completely out of the ordinary and dark.

While I DO tend to look on the bright side of things for pretty much every circumstance I find myself in (an example being when I fractured my nose in high school, I was able to talk to a guy I was afraid to talk to because I liked him. of course, it was about how NASTY my face looked, but hey, I'll take it), I think I'm pretty right on about this one.

What I'm really getting at is this: We tend to believe that love is something that is conditional. "Well, he has to change X and Y before I will ever truly love him, other than that he's great." Is this the right attitude? Sure, there are DEFINITE things that matter to you... but come on... try and meet people where they are. Give them the benefit of the doubt.

I say this while thinking in the back of my mind about all the times I've done that and then as a result, I got taken advantage of, but as with everything... you have to have some common sense on the matter. You can love someone, but not like them. You don't have to invite them over to your house to have a baking party or to watch the big game, but you should treat them with respect.

I tend to think my writings sound like a kindergarten lesson sometimes, but seriously... we obviously missed it the first time. Why else do we go around in our dating relationships and view them as something in which we expect the other person to be perfect and always giving us something without giving back.

Love isn't selfish... its selfLESS.

Nobody is perfect. Love them for who they are- blemishes and all.

Monday, February 4, 2008


Cherish them.

I hope you never forget to take the time to enjoy life for what it is and be thankful for what you have- life! There are gifts from God all around you... we just don't take the time to sit back and really NOTICE all of them. Here are a few for some examples:

A hug from a dear friend.
Dancing in the car like no one is watching... even if they are... and you're acting like a fool.
Having toilet paper... when you really need it. (trust me... thats a BLESSING)
A simple, yet at the same time, intricate purple daisy sitting on your desk, beaconing you to smell it.
A warm cup of coffee that not only warms your finger tips, but also your inmost parts.
A camera in your hand, the wind in your face, the sun on your back, and a song in you heart.

I could go on, but I think you get the idea.
All I know is that I encountered God this weekend... in a very real and intimate way. I was alone out in His wonderful gift to us, and while I had no one to share it with for a while, I was still amazed by it all. Sometimes it just takes your breath away, but oh, I love it when that happens.

I challenge you: look for God this week, and seek Him in a real and intimate way. There are many times we overlook blessings from God because we get distracted with homework, an attractive member of the opposite sex, or the other million obligations we have in life. Take the time to notice the little things. You will soon find out that the little things... the little moments... well, in fact, they aren't so little after all.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Say what you really wanna say...

And the truest of forms will show
Finally you'll find your soul.

Depending on how you look at this, it can mean a lot...
I could very well be taking these few lines out of context, but hey, I found a truth... and where we find truth, we are supposed to embrace it because its ours, right Rob? :)

Well, I think that these words have a lot to say about ourselves. We often hid our true feelings... sometimes for the better, but I feel like we do it too often. What's wrong with being honest sometimes? I know that things might be hard to say, but I don't think we want to go through life thinking "what if" about every time we wanted to speak up and didn't.

Why do we hold the feelings we have for others inside? We should tell others how we feel when we feel it. We must be true to ourselves and stop trying to hide all the time. I'm not saying that we should explode all the time, no, there are ways that each emotion should be conveyed. There is nothing wrong with being angry, but we must communicate in a real and mature way. The world was never destroyed by controlled discussions of our feelings.

If you love someone, tell them.
If you're angry about something, speak up before things get worse.
Work things out while you still can.
Who knows what tomorrow brings... who knows if you will have a tomorrow.
Don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today.

Love here. Love now.
Mend broken hearts today.
Speak up. Please, speak up.

Say what you really wanna say
And the truest of forms will show
Finally you'll find your soul

Saturday, January 19, 2008

New Year... New Life

While I sit here, I am asking myself why I am not curled up in my bed taking a nap... honestly, I can't find a good answer. I am currently serving as an NSI mentor for the spring session here at SNU, and we have been constantly doing things for the past two days. So now that I have free time, I am taking advantage of it by not sleeping... oh no... I'm doing the good 'ol American thing... I'm spending my time on the Internet and blogging.

I've come to realize that most people who blog talk about politics, social issues, the development of their children, or just about lofty ideas or questions. I on the other hand, because I lack the joy of having children (which is GREAT right now... too early in life for that), I just get kind of frustrated with politics these days, I would rather DO something about social issues than type out and analyze them, and I have come to realize that there isn't a lot of interesting things going on upstairs.... I just kind of vent and say whatever comes to mind.

I don't know if anyone really reads this other than my mom and Poppy, but I'm completely fine with it! To be honest, I really don't think that many people would really want to know about an event that happened to me while waking up this morning, or some other random thing that has happened in my life. Only the significant matters of my life are worth hearing, right? And even those are questionable about their attractiveness to others.

What I'm really driving at right now is what is happening within me. This new year has brought several new experiences into my life. I have spent wonderful days with my parents, grandparents, my best friend, some old friends, and even some new friends! I have spent 16 hours outside of Chick-fil-a.... in the rain, sleet, and snow... so that I might get 52 free meals this year! (I was #24 in line by the way) So as you can see, I have done a lot, but most importantly... I have dedicated my summer to a wonderful opportunity that God has given me. When most people hear that I am going to New Zealand, they get jealous and I even get jealous of myself... and I never knew the latter could happen, but it is.... trust me.

I am ecstatic that I get to go minister to others, but I still have some fears about how it will all work out. I get told that I worry too much, and that would be an understatement, I believe. I'm working on that, and God has allowed me to experience things that have put me to that test. I constantly pray for my heart to be shaped in a way that would allow me to be used by God- even when I feel like I can't go on. What amazes me the most and what gives me hope for my future is hearing about all the times I have been used when I thought I was useless.

I have had several conversations with people in my present and past that have allowed me to catch a glimpse of how God has used me even when I didn't know anything was happening. Remembering those conversations give me goosebumps! I could sit here and write about all the things that have been said about this matter, but it would not be the full story, and my lack of eloquence in writing my thoughts would by no means do justice for the praise that should be given to God. I know he looks at our efforts, so my mediocre sentences will have to suffice. I may sound like a broken record, but despite all the trials I have and continue to go through, I have encountered God in a very real way, and I wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world.

I know this next semester will bring me more trials and tribulations, but with God by my side- amazing things will happen. My heart is willing. It is because of this that I can say I am thrilled to see what God is going to do this summer in an island off the coast of Australia.

I would like to ask you. If you are reading this and are willing, will you join me in prayer for this trip? I feel like the is not only an opportunity for me, but also for those around me to get involved in something God is going to do. While I will be there physically... you can be there in your heart. Your prayers will help me get through the days that I wake up mentally and physically exhausted. Your prayers to God will be heard. I feel like prayer is overlooked, and for a bad reason. You may not know it, but your prayer might be exactly what is needed in a moment of desperation. I have to fly across an ocean, be in a different country, interact with people I don't know, eat different foods.... the list continues... and with all those things comes risk, a risk that your simple prayer might protect me through.

I feel as though my heart is already there... the hardest part night now is just waiting.