Well hello everyone! I just wanted to update you on what all has been going here in the biggest city in New Zealand. The team and I arrived last Monday, and Denise and Tau Maiava (the pastor and his wife) fed us an American meal: Sloppy Joes and potato salad. It was great to have something made with us specifically in mind. Last week, was our "off week" so to say, where we simply stripped off 3 layers of wallpaper and patched/ textured the walls, then painted it with a fresh coat of paint. It was a lot of hard work, actually, and it took us about 4 days to complete the task. Never in my life have I thought that those 6 years of remodeling our house would actually come in handy later on in life. So, thanks Mom and Dad! :)
Seth, Liz, and I lead worship for the service on Sunday along with others that normally play in the service, and Allison and I shared our testimony. It was great to share my story with them all, and as typical as I think my testimony is (I have the "I grew up in a Christian home..." testimony) the people felt more open to talk to me, and they actually could relate to what I had to say. It was very neat because never in my life did I think that I had the "pastor gene," but I didn't clam up when speaking in front of a congregation... Even though it was a smaller congregation than most back home, I was still shocked with what I did. Afterwards, I sat down and then realized that I just gave a mini-sermon... kinda neat.
This week, we have been doing a holiday program with the kids since they are out of school for 2 weeks. It has been pretty hard on us all. After doing this sort of ministry directly being with kids for the 3rd week, it takes a lot of energy out of you, but it is worth all the effort and time. We have been learning a lot about ourselves and about working so closely with kids. We are kind of becoming pros at it! haha... Since we've been here, we have also done a lot of other things. Our team has had evening tea (dinner) at several other's house, and it has been great to get to know them all. We have gone to a black sand beach, and also to downtown Auckland to see the base of the SkyTower to watch people bungee jump from the top... made me want to go jump SO BAD! I did, however, refrain from jumping (you're welcome mother).
Crazy to think that 2 weeks from today, we will be on a plane back to the States... Only 2 weeks! Wow, time has sure flown by, but looking back on all we have done, I can't say that we just sat around and did nothing. We have definitely made the most of our time, and I still can't believe all that we've done!
Thanks for all of your prayers and support in getting me to where I am. I can't express just how much everything has meant to me, and I definitely have felt your prayers as I've been here. I can't wait to tell everyone IN PERSON about all my experiences and show all of my pictures. Have a blessed week... LOVE YOU ALL!!!!
Melinda Leanne
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