..: How I See Things :..

..: How I See Things :..

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Choose Your Friends Wisely:

Lately, I've understood the importance of this phrase that I've heard several times. No, I'm not having problems with my friends, but I've heard about so many others' problems and how its effecting them.

One thing I've realized lately is that the friends you hang out with and associate yourself with have a direct impact on your development and who you are/ become. A person can change drastically for either good or bad depending on those surrounding them.

I know this might sound a little obvious, but I guess that the magnitude of this fact have been made known to me these past few weeks. With that said, I feel we all have a great responsibility to watch our actions and how they will impact those around us.

More importantly, we should "choose our friends wisely" and never forget the most important relationship we need to nurture and rely on is with God, which should be the friendship that we allow to shape us.

Its so simple, but it really is vital and important....