..: How I See Things :..

..: How I See Things :..

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Catching up,

Well, the past two weeks have been one of the most eventful weeks of my life! I had two major things going on: Lip Sync and Exec. Elections for SGA.

I will spare you all the boring details about no sleep, skipping a few classes at the end, and having my every second pretty much planned out and cut to the chase. I won for my position of Office Administrator for SGA, and Lip Sync is done! I can't really comment on the success of the event, mainly because I'm my own worst critic, but besides that, I heard it was received well.

The most exciting thing about it all is how I handled everything. I was... to my surprise, really calm all week. That's not common in my life when I have a lot going on. I tend to be SUPER stressed about even the littlest of things! All I can say is that God was with me in a very REAL way this week, and He gave me a sense of calm and joy that can only come from Him!

Man, life is good, and I am so very thankful for all the Lord has done in my life. He has given me so many blessings, and one of them is a loving circle of family and friends who have encouraged and embraced me when I need it the most.

I'm just so thankful...

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