..: How I See Things :..

..: How I See Things :..

Friday, October 31, 2008

Just call me Alvin...

Wednesday I got my wisdom teeth taken out, so I am currently sporting a pair of chubby cheeks! The whole experience hasn't been bad yet. During the surgery, even though I was fully awake, was rather relaxing and I felt as though I could have fallen asleep. The gas they gave me was awesome and definitely worth the small fee.

I have been living off of apple sauce, soup, and yogurt these past few days and it hasn't been too bad. I heard a lot of horror stories before my procedure, so I was thinking that I was going to have a horrible experience, but it honestly has been rather fun.

I think its funny feeling groggy and loopy, and there's nothing better than sitting around while all of your friends are stuck in class! lol

What has meant the most to me is all of the sweet sweet friends who have stopped by to visit me and bring me little goodies. So, thanks Sarahbeth, Janette, and Marian... you all have been so sweet to me! It also is great that my other friends have text me to see how I was. Some people never cease to amaze me with their giving hearts.

I look forward to the day when I can bit into a piece of meat, but until then, soups and apple sauce will have to do...

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