..: How I See Things :..

..: How I See Things :..

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Oh Facebook....

These were some of the status changes I saw on Facebook right after Obama won tonight. Janette and I sat here refreshing the page over and over again... it is pretty entertaining.

Person 1: "Is blue we're blue"
Person2: "Is moving to Texas and hope they break away:
Person 3: "Is SCCCCCCCCRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAMMMING!!!!" (maybe not enough E's in that one...)
Person 4: "Is headed to and island with Alex"
Person 5: "Not MY President"
Person 6: "Everyone: please stop the hate and violent talk. Think love and peace." (Good advice Stephen)
Person 7: "used to be proud of this nation"
Person 8: "is welcome to socialist america...**expletive**. im going back to CANADA."
Person 9: "is sleeping"
Person 10: "is make room for me, Aussies. You all think straight."
Person 11: "is wow. i cannot believe this. i can't believe this country put a muslim in the white house. wake up, people." (OUCH....)
Person 12: "its about time we get a brotha in the house...."
Person 13: "its official, abomination."
Person 14: "maybe... New Zealand....that would be cool." (yes!!! New Zealand is cool, but I would go there for other reasons than an election result...well.. I guess that would depend on the consequences, but not because of THIS election...)
Person 15: "is wondering if Texas will secede and elect McCain/Norris for President."
Person 16: "is hoping that all the annoying people who are threatening to move to Canada actually do."
Person 17:" is worried. i'll be honest. but i'm going to try to give obama a chance. even though its hard." (wow.. that's one of the most positive response yet!)
Person 18: "i wonder if they'll put a fried chicken joint in the White House?" ( that was WAAAAAAAAY out of line...)
Person 19: "is thinking our country is already in hell and has been for awhile....where have you people been?" (yeah, no matter what you think about the election result, there is no doubt that we weren't a perfect nation prior to this day)
Person 20: "forgive them Lord, for they know not what they have done." (wow, that's an intense response)
Person 21: "knows McCain is so happy everyone wants to leave the country he sacrificed his life for."
Person 22: "is thinking high-schoolers probably can't move out of the country. so, don't talk about it."
Person 23: "well...i have an extra copy of the koran..... $50........ any takers?" (oh my.....)
Person 25: "is congrats obama. I love the always classy McCain. he is a true American hero."

** Disclaimer: The content of these views do not reflect the views of this blogger, but are rather a glimpse into the online world of Facebook and it's members' opinions.**

I hope this makes you think about just what happened... there are a lot of opinions out there...

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