..: How I See Things :..

..: How I See Things :..

Friday, December 21, 2007

Live your life for something that will outlast it.

In light of all that has happened this semester and continues to happen all around me, I feel as if this wise line of lyrics captures the true essence of what the death of those around us or to those that are close to those around us causes to happen within our lives.

"Death is the only thing that makes us alive, forcing focus to the light that we hold inside."

We never fully understand why things happen, but even if we can't seem to see it, things happen for a purpose. Yes, we still feel that deep pain from the loss of a loved one, but we should always try and take something from their time here with us. Each person brought something new and unique to our lives. While they are no longer with us, their memories will stay with us forever.

When someone dies around us, which has been so prevalent these past 5 months, we tend to look at our own lives. What are we doing here? What is our purpose? Are we living just for today or are we focusing on something that extends beyond our finite lives?

What is holding us back? Why do we hold back the gifts that we have been given? I know I don't have everything figured out and I have my moments where I feel as though I can't go on, but the truth is, I am alive. I woke up this morning. I breathe in and out, and that's all I need to know that I have been given another day. I CAN go on. There is a reason I was given today. All I have to do is just ask God to guide me towards what He wants from my life. Everyday brings something different, and sometimes, something VERY scary or painful. We all have doubts, but those doubts should fuel our drive to move forward and prevail over our trials.

Don't hold yourself back, take those risks and move forward into the great unknown. You might be pleasantly surprised, and you will end up never having to ask for "just one more day."

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