As I look around my room, the thought crosses my mind- What am I doing and how did I get here?
Ever come to a point in your life and you are amazed at how time has seemed to fly by and you are in this place and have no idea how you've gotten here? Why is it that time seems to go by so slow while your on the road, yet so fast when you look back on your life.
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to help my Poppy take things down from the attic for his nativity scene he always sets up in front of his house. While, we did not get to hang Mary and Joseph by tying a noose around their neck and lowering them into the garage, I did get to stumble across some interesting items upstairs.
Nailed to the beams of the roof, were various pictures and letters that the grandkids had given MeeMaw and Poppy in the past. As I read/ viewed each piece, I came across the last two papers. To my surprise, they were two drawings, made by none other than me.
Let me tell you... they were ROUGH! After looking at them intently, I think my first picture that I gave to Poppy for Christmas in 1993 was a horse, and the other picture that was given to MeeMaw that same Christmas was a duck. These guesses are highly educated, and you would have to really use your imagination to see those animals in those figure.
BUT, like I said... How did I get from THAT to the painting I have hanging behind me? Several people have asked me if I would sell it to them, but I've turned them down. I'm sure NO ONE other than MeeMaw and Poppy would want those pictures nailed in their attic. What happened in those in between years? I know- A LOT!
I lost my first tooth.
I got a trampoline.
I wrote several papers.
I got my first car.
I had my heart broken for the first time.
I played several hours of volleyball.
I learned that you don't try and clean your knife by wiping it on the couch.... and then lie about the whole you made.
I realized my brother isn't the enemy.
I've taken a softball to the face.
I've lost several friends to death for various reasons.
I've learned that to love others takes dedication, compassion, respect, and a source- God.
There has been a lot of things in my life that has happened and has seemed to be packed in a TINY amount of time. My life is in the first quarter of the average person's life-span. There will be more to come... or will there? Sure, I'd like to say that I will live a long and healthy life, but really, who am I to say something like that?
Oh, I have aspirations and dreams for my life, but I can't say for SURE that I will live to a point where those dreams are able to happen. That's not my call.
I can say that I've enjoyed my life, and that I have been blessed in so many ways, but what about those times that I didn't think about how fragile my life is? What about those nights that I laid my head down and didn't apologize out of stubbornness and never even thought about it possibly being my last chance?
Man, I've gotten "lucky" more than I know. God has held me in His hand and I have just taken it for granted. I just can't seem to say thanks enough. I'm so undeserving of this life.