..: How I See Things :..

..: How I See Things :..

Friday, October 31, 2008

Just call me Alvin...

Wednesday I got my wisdom teeth taken out, so I am currently sporting a pair of chubby cheeks! The whole experience hasn't been bad yet. During the surgery, even though I was fully awake, was rather relaxing and I felt as though I could have fallen asleep. The gas they gave me was awesome and definitely worth the small fee.

I have been living off of apple sauce, soup, and yogurt these past few days and it hasn't been too bad. I heard a lot of horror stories before my procedure, so I was thinking that I was going to have a horrible experience, but it honestly has been rather fun.

I think its funny feeling groggy and loopy, and there's nothing better than sitting around while all of your friends are stuck in class! lol

What has meant the most to me is all of the sweet sweet friends who have stopped by to visit me and bring me little goodies. So, thanks Sarahbeth, Janette, and Marian... you all have been so sweet to me! It also is great that my other friends have text me to see how I was. Some people never cease to amaze me with their giving hearts.

I look forward to the day when I can bit into a piece of meat, but until then, soups and apple sauce will have to do...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Early Senioritis

So, I am sitting here at my computer thinking about all I have to get done early because of my oral surgery on Wednesday (oh horrid wisdom teeth, only 4 more days will I have to deal with your pain and frustration) and I decided to delay the work. Why? Well, the answer is very simple: I don't want to work right now. I'm sure there are several people other than I who just aren't motivated to write a paper over the Wall Street Crisis for Managerial Accounting either on a Saturday evening...

If you are... it's ok, I will be praying for you tonight.

So what will I do to pass the time? Copy Jeff's forward from the other day and fill it out for myself!!!! I'm sure he will agree with me that at times, these things make you feel like you're in middle school again, but the content of my answers make it so much more mature... at least that's what I'm telling myself right now. So here it goes:

I am: sitting at my kitchen table watching ESPN and eating soup.

I dream: about crazy things that scare me and I know are super insightful at the same time, but I never can seem to remember them when I wake up the next morning.

I think: that there is more to life than the clothes I wear, the car I drive, and the size of my bank account.

I know: that I am blessed beyond what I deserve and that this morning was a gift from God so that I might be able to spread His love to the world around me.

I want: to be the one who reaches out with a hand full of grace to those around me, and never forget the history of grace God has bestowed upon me.

I have: a wonderful boyfriend who is filled with God's love and each day I grow more and more in love with him.

I wish: for world peace... and no, I am not Gracie Lou Freebush...

I hate: that I've grown uncomfortably comfortable with my hypocritical behavior.

I miss: Saturday Father/Daughter dates at Jimmy's Egg in Norman every week.

I fear: I will one day look at my life and not remember all the wonderful moments that got me to where I am at that time and place.

I feel: unmotivated to be a driven person today. (sounds just a little funny, doesn't it...)

I hear: every little voice in my head that tells me I'm not good enough, and I often let that be the influence of my decisions.

I smell: my laundry after every load- there's nothing like fresh clothes out of the dryer!

I crave: for the day when I no longer continue to be stressed out and controlled by my list of things to do.

I search: for obtaining things in life that don't matter.

I wonder: "why people are so concerned with politics when they won’t help the people they see everyday." and I would have to completely agree with you on this one, Jeff...

I regret: all those days where I gave into the lie that children aren't capable of REALLY making a difference in the Church, but that they are simply present in the world to "someday become the Church."

I love: gerber daisies and everything they mean to me: love, friendship, God's Creation, life, beauty, and growth.

I ache: for those who are stereotype as being lazy because they are homeless and poor.

I care: for my family and I love them very much.

I always: care if my things are clean and in order.

I am not: excited about the upcoming elections.... sorry, but that's the truth...

I believe: a god is not God if he fits inside our heads.

I dance: whenever I can... I love dancing and I will be a dancing Nazarene until the day I die...

I sing: all the time, but get really self-conscious about it when I'm in my apartment because I live with music majors who are training to become professionals... lol

I cry: often and sometimes with others. Crying is a great release.

I don’t always: change my oil when I should... sometimes I've gone twice as long before taking it in.

I fight: with myself on a daily basis... I am my own worst enemy and my thoughts have been known to consume me.

I write: in a journal to my husband I started almost 2 years ago... it's something I'm very proud of.

I win: the end... :)

I lose: my patience when people base their opinions on their ignorance...

I never: want to go a day without loving .

I confuse: myself in accounting and stats sometimes.

I listen: to God less than I talk to Him, causing me to miss out on the things He wants me to be a part of.

I can usually be found: in the SGA office or my apartment.

I am scared: of being alone.

I need: to stop eating things that makes my stomach yell.

I am happy: that my parents are coming to town on Wednesday! :)

I desire: close, intimate relationships with those around me.

I hope: for the good in people to prevail.

I have: been delaying my homework way to long... it's time to face the music!

Hope you know that the Lord never allows us to endure that which we can't endure... all we need to do is ask Him for the strength to overcome.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It's Been a While

It's pretty sad how long it's been since my last post.

Life has been great, yet it seems like the busyness of my schedule has put a damper on things. I had such a great and relaxing time in New Zealand and I miss that pace of life... I know everybody around me gets tired of hearing about how much I miss that beautiful country, but God did wonderful things in my life there and I NEVER want to forget those lessons and the beautiful people I met there.

Never in my life have I had such an amazing encounter with God. Everyday I would find Him in the most unexpected places. I know that this has happened to me here at home, but nothing like I experienced in New Zealand.

I hate it that most days, I do so much that I really don't remember which day is which... life has become a blur and that is very difficult for me to handle. This was made known to me after having such a relaxing and extraordinary Fall Break in the CO Mountains. I left my planner at home, I didn't have cellphone reception, and I didn't have the Internet... IT WAS GREAT!!!

I really want to change my outlook on the days to come. I want to cherish the MOMENTS of each days and not the TASKS of each day.

I know I sound like a broken record, but I sure do miss New Zealand.